One who has confidence in his capability is more efficient than those who are superior in ability but timorous. Self-reliance is an important source of strength and vigour. An individual with self-reliance is bound to overcome the hitches of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best in his 1841 essay called Self-Reliance, “Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not.” Being part of society is great and all. But never take it too far. Otherwise, you become a reliant automaton who does not have any meaning by itself. In life, we always turn outwardly for everything. It’s much better to rely on yourself. Not in a selfish way. But in an emotional way. You don’t need others to be happy. People have not changed. The problems you’re facing today are not new. And one of those problems is that we are needy. Happiness determines the quality of your life Let me narrate my real life stories to you being brave and courageous is always the path t...