Role Of Education In Building: Poor Graduates Or Rich Criminals

Education is a system of awareness, ability, and decision. Moving to the top of a mountain involves rock climbing, but this doesn't mean this climbing is the only way to reach there. picture credit @freepik The important thing is that we don't have to teach our new generation that education is the key to success. In order to become successful, we have to become capable, we should have the knowledge or certain sets of skills. First, let's talk about the rich criminals, they have much more knowledge than those who have a degree and got the selection. And I wonder if they are more educated than other "successful qualified" men. But we still don't expect that to happen. We want them to get degrees and more to win than they have the potential to thrive. So we have got to modify our system for that. Now, these criminals too have categories, the real criminals that have never taken the right route to recovery, believe me, that they are not going too far, so the real ...