Gender Equality: A Win-Win Game For Everybody

“A daughter is not a burden. Please look around us- see how girls are bringing pride and glory for our nation. They are excelling in several fields,” the PM said picture credit @freepik Equality between men and women makes any society go forward and prosper. Let us resolve that there will be the same number of girls taking birth as the number of boys. Beta-Beti Ek samaan,” he said. Considering the progress achieved in increasing gender equality in industries, women staff are often paid slightly less than their male counterparts, and they are under-represented in senior management positions. Although discrimination and unfair wages are unethical, the facts show that there are still massive hurdles to equal opportunity and that employers have a crucial role to play in addressing these hurdles in their workplaces. The most important steps that leadership teams should take to drive change within the company and help to reduce the gender pay gap between workers. 1. Re-assess the job r...