Gender Equality: A Win-Win Game For Everybody

 “A daughter is not a burden. Please look around us- see how girls are bringing pride and glory for our nation. They are excelling in several fields,” the PM said

Gender Equality
picture credit @freepik

Equality between men and women makes any society go forward and prosper. Let us resolve that there will be the same number of girls taking birth as the number of boys. Beta-Beti Ek samaan,” he said.

Considering the progress achieved in increasing gender equality in industries, women staff are often paid slightly less than their male counterparts, and they are under-represented in senior management positions.

Although discrimination and unfair wages are unethical, the facts show that there are still massive hurdles to equal opportunity and that employers have a crucial role to play in addressing these hurdles in their workplaces.

The most important steps that leadership teams should take to drive change within the company and help to reduce the gender pay gap between workers.

1. Re-assess the job requirement for the senior staff

In the case of companies that do not employ women for senior positions, they should recognize the hurdles they have generated that have contributed to fewer job applications by women. 

Job Hiring
picture credit @freepik

It does not mean that the qualifications for a job are to be updated, but wondering if 15 years of managerial experience is expected when 10 years can be used is a good move in opening up the role for more candidates.

Organizations will also consider that the role is similarly advantageous, with certain forms of expertise that extend the range of applications.

2. Remove the Gender Pay Gap

The pay disparity can only occur if a system of silence is fostered within an organization.

A new philosophy of openness needs to be implemented, which encourages an organization to explore the pay disparity between women and men and avoids telling people if they have been paying since their last role. Instead, each job should have a pay bracket detailing the salary for that job.

3. Make Work/Life harmony a priority for the workers

Although research has shown that the gender wage gap for young women is shrinking, it is widening for working mothers because they are essentially subject to a pay cut for taking time off.

Work-life Balance
picture credit @freepik

One of the most important barriers actually stopping women from hitting the height of their

careers is the lack of available childcare. Organizations should discuss helping budget for child

and elder care to ensure that they do not oversell how family-friendly they are to career

prospects if those services are not currently in place because that may lead to dissatisfaction

with an early exit from the company.

Parental leave for fathers will also be encouraged in order to help working mothers, as this

would not only allow mothers to spend more time in their jobs, but fathers tend to and will be

more deeply involved in childcare. As it is the duty for both of them.

Companies need to play a crucial role in helping mothers by partnering together to settle to a

healthy and equitable workforce that will encourage efficiency, while also providing flexibility

and the freedom to work remotely where possible.

4. Make Mentors available to all

The presence of an accomplished mentor to help direct you through the various paths that you

will face during your career is essential and should be an opportunity that is available to


Mentors will continue to be told whether to apply for salary raises within an organization and to

offer guidance about how to tackle any problems relating to discrimination.

Mentoring At Workplace
picture credit @freepik

While it may be appealing to solve gender inequality within an organization by concentrating

specifically on women, gender equality needs to concentrate on both men and women.

Organizations with mentoring systems will therefore not rely on same-sex matches, even if, as

with companies with few senior women, they are still too thin to have time to mentor other

employees. The '#metoo' movement has helped lift awareness and recognition about

widespread harassment and racism, but sadly it has still had little effect on the workplace.

Read: Factors Booming Women Entrepreneurs In Every Field

5. Harassment needs to be detected and soon stopped

At some point in their life, one in four women was exposed to abuse at work. Management has

a duty to ensure that they take early action to detect and avoid abuse, but unfortunately, reports

of misconduct in certain companies are still overlooked.

If there are some signs of abuse inside the workforce – no matter how big or minor – you need

to quickly root it out to ensure that a reasonable framework is initiated to discourage these

incidents from arising.

Stop Harassment At Workplace
picture credit @freepik

Final Thoughts

Gender equality is more than a target in itself; it is a necessity for addressing the challenge of

poverty reduction, good governance, and the advancement of sustainable development.

Gender equality is not only a social imperative, it is a corporate goal. Extensive, family-friendly

practices that respect both genders and are non-biased are the perfect way to recruit and keep

top talent, offering the greatest benefit to your company.

Gender equity is in the interests of governments, businesses, people, and families. It's not a

zero-sum affair, it's a win-win game for everybody. 

For more, visit:


Unknown said…
The relevancy of women's labour force participation is becoming an evident driver for growth, development and competitiveness in the labour market. Equal pay for work for equal contributions should be respected and applied to women as this right is not exclusive for men. Read: how to close the gender pay gap

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