I Love to Motivate Your Self Driven Act Towards Your Determination: Special Notes

I always keep motivating youngsters for their career growth in any field they may be looking for. But it is essential to be continually working on a long-term career goal. Previously I did mention on many of my experience as the youngest Pilot and how I become the most honoured person and Captain, among others. This was all because of the wise men crossing my way and feeding me with self-motivation and career guidelines. Keeping some notes, I now help many youngsters to understand the importance of dedication towards your goal. “There are world top 10 famous Pilots who achieved much success and honour because of self-motivation and Career determination, and I would love to share about them from my notes. Stay tuned.” --Capt. Poonam Devrakyani Now read... Know your drive and determination will take you to a higher level of choice. It can be for a career in aviation, career in business studies, or careers in others. Driving Yoursel...