Thriving Nation in Virus Crisis – Being Productive While Working from Home!

As we all know this pandemic is all over the globe. It is increasing the work-from-home trend. We all are trying to figure out on how to continue working and delivering the outcomes in the given scenario where we have to work alone and remotely.
I strongly encourage people to create a separate space in their homes which is just for work or can be designated as a ‘work-only’ space during working hours.
 “Psychologically, this will help us to stay sharp and focused. It will also signal to others in our houses that when we’re in our ‘work-only’ space and we should not be interrupted.”

We should also have to keep in mind that it’s not a holiday time to chill and relax. In fact it’s time were we all have to work towards thriving our nation in the situation of distress by doing our work responsibilities and not letting it effect the Economy. It time to prove that you can still be productive and efficient. The key to work-from-home success is to create an environment that allows you to focus on the tasks at hand.

Select a space based on your needs
Get ready for the day
Put yourself in a good position, you can even dress up as you were going to office
Turn on the lights
Create a home office ambiance
Set your schedule
Get out-take a 10-minute walk around the block to freshen up and to encourage the flow of new ideas
Log off—and not just from your laptop
Be self-motivated

Allow yourself to have downtime to create a work-life balance—we all need it, no matter where we are working. We can be productive and efficient no matter even if we work from home, it’s all about to get the ball rolling and not let the nation to standstill. We should take the responsibility to create future.

Stay Home, Be Safe!!!


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