It’s all about your Thoughts

Thoughts are REAL things. I believe that thoughts can shape our reality and eventually our life. It all starts with a single thought. Thoughts are all around us, constantly shaping the world. Almost everything that is made by man is this world started with a single thought.
As very beautifully said by Gandhi Ji
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Everything you ever thought has brought you to where you are today. Though, there is a lot in the world which is out of our control but our own thoughts allow us to create our future.
Let’s frame our mind set in one direction and work towards the accomplishment of the goal.
If I would give my example, my passion of becoming pilot started with a thought. I feel anyone can put their thoughts to reality. Our thoughts are reagent self-perpetuating series. We need to reinforce our believe that we need to be successful. We must always remember that our mind is the most important tool.
Some people even schedule time to think. For example, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules 30-to-90 minute blocks of “nothing’ into his calendar for personal time, coaching and reflection.
You know never know when your 2 a.m., thought can become a brilliant idea. Another important thing is once you have an idea, how you execute it, is equally important.
In order to get a better outcome we need to be optimistic in our approach which will reinforce productivity. Keep thinking in back of your mind what you want from life and where you want to reach in life.
Lead your thoughts and make abundance flow into your life:)