I Feel Great to Complete Space Business & Applications in Master’s Program

Always will remember the Professors and University for insights and knowledge they have shared with me. I have learned a lot from Toulouse Business School, France. 
There is nothing that can be more useful to learn and understand how to keep the management flow of  Space Business areas successful and moreover continue without being a failure. 

What I have learned is to be specialized in skills set for a managerial role, to take up challenges and responsibilities in embracing the scope of Main Space and New Space Business Areas. The offering from university is just next to the level of theory, where we could practically gain the knowledge. Projects and assignments were another part of the insights which I found very useful and interesting to understand the course very well. Few times we had online quizzes where we required to synthesize information and furthermore it kept us engaged in higher order thinking skills.

Here are some Space Business & Applications which we learned-

ü   Space Business and it’s Complex Value chain
ü   Innovation Strategies
ü  Market Analysis
ü  Partnership in Space Business
ü  International Space Contracts
ü  Space Funding and Management 
ü  Defence Acquisition

Every individual working under this profile in this industry is highly expected to have an understanding of Space Activities and what are the ongoing changes that may directly or indirectly affect the Space Business.

--The course covers the track set by TBS Business School as follows

ü  Fundamentals of Space Business & Applications
ü  Global History of Space
ü  Strategic and economic review of Space Markets
ü  New Space Business
ü  Innovation strategy in the Space sector: the case of Space X and CubeSats
ü  Emergence of Space markets and analysis of threat for incumbents
ü  Space applications and downstream services
ü  Main Space Business
ü  Partnering in Space: Challenges and opportunities
ü  Defence and acquisition: Application to Space
ü  Space funding

--TBS Business School, www.tbs-education.com

The course by TBS business school is excellently designed and coordinated by the Academic supervisor. Bringing together the experts and leaders from the industry -there are provided with scientific and pedagogical support. The course is also a collaboration with SIRIUS Chair and management. It is originally partnering between three of the top leading global sectors such as CNES, Airbus Defence and Space and Thales Alenia Space, and other two higher education institutions that are Toulouse Business School and Toulouse 1 Capitol University in France.

 “It was a great moment to be with professors and experts of the industry and learn insights of Aviation and Aerospace"

Also special thanks to all my batch-mates, it was indeed a great learning and interactive module where each of us exchanged valuable ideas.


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